Here, we will study the main causes of stress which arise due to external circumstances. We have seen elsewhere that stress can be caused by your external circumstances or your perceptions and attitudes.
Stress is the reason for two thirds of the total visits to the Physician. It is also the leading cause of the coronary artery diseases, cancer, accidents and respiratory diseases besides some others.
Stress aggravates following illnesses: Hypertension, insomnia, diabetes, herpes, multiple sclerosis, etc. Besides, stress that continues for long periods of time can lead to: poor concentration, irritability, anger, and poor judgment.
Stress leads to marriage breakups, family fights, road rage, suicides and violence.
What are the biggest causes of present day stress, and how do these lead to such high levels of tension?
The main causes of stress that arise due to the external environment were studied by Thomas H. Holmes and Richard H. Rahe, from the University of Washington. In 1967 they conducted a study on the connection between certain important life events and the illnesses. As a part of that study they also compiled a list of main reasons of stress in the society.
At the time the study was conducted there were 55 triggers of stress. The list was reviewed in 2006 and that list now contains 63 main causes of stress.
From the studies conducted by Holmes and Rahe, and also other studies that have been conducted from time to time, it seems that following are the biggest causes of present day stress levels in modern societies:
1. Financial Problems
This is the number one source of stress these days. You and your family are not be able to do what you want to due to lack of money. Debts are piling up. Credit Card payments, pending mortgage installments, rising costs of education, mounting expenditure on health concerns. Financial matters top the list of stressors.
2. Workplace Stress
Stress at workplace is another of the main causes of stress. You may be worried about your next promotion. You might be facing the negative or bullying behavior of your boss. You might not be reaching your well-deserved career goals; you might be worried due to office politics. You might be stressed about some major change that is taking place in the organization, or, you might be under stress because of the prospect of losing your job.
3. Personal Relationships
Studies of children, attitude of relatives, arguments with spouse or children, change of place due to requirements of your job, illness of a family member, moving in of parents or moving out of elder children are all main causes of stress.
4. Health
Heart diseases, hypertension, problems with eye sight and sugar afflict many people becoming a major cause of life stress for them. Maintaining good health, reducing weight, increasing weight, being able to lead a healthy life-style: all of these and a few more are the main causes of stress due to health concerns.
5. Irritants
Besides the ones that I have mentioned above there are those annoyances and irritations that you encounter in your daily lives which go on to become biggest sources of stress for you. Problems in commuting to workplace, balance of work and family life, PTMs at children’s schools, workload, visit to doctor, not enough sleep, no time to relax, no time to discuss some nagging problems – who is not aware of these stresses and strains of our lives? You fight with them every day.
These main causes of stress are taking their toll on today’s urban man in the shape of stress related diseases that we mentioned at the top.
But, do you let all of these get on your nerve, getting you all stressed up and making you prone to all the stress-related diseases? – Or have you found ways to live a stress-free and full life despite many problems that beset you?
Develop resilience and never let stress get you down. It can be learnt. But, yes, you have to try.
You may like to take Dr. Rahe’s stress test to see how stressed you are.
To break yourself out of the daily stresses, start by practicing stress releasing exercises, and you will be on your way to freedom from the main causes of stress afflicting our present day lifestyle.
Source: Newsletter from LiveHealthClub. I received on June,10,2010
saya sering menghindari stress dengan memancing bu, salam kenal silahkan bu
BalasHapusItulah gunanya hari libur bu biar ndak stress, tpi klu stres masalah ekonomi itu yang agak susah ditangani..
BalasHapuspada si_om nda mudeng Lho, ora eneng transLite sih. hihihihi....
Most problems is financial. But the actual stress is arising out of our minds. It seems Mrs. Sri Rahayu better understand what I mean ......
BalasHapus@munir ardi: ya, memancing bisa melatih management kesabaran. Salah satu penangkal stress adalah sabar. Setuju. Trims ya sdh mampir.
BalasHapus@Shanty: Masalah ekonomi penangkalnya ya berlatih bersyukur aj. Ketika kita merasa kurang, yakinlah..ditempat lain ada orang lain yang lebih kekurangan dari kita. So what gitu lo. ho ho ho
@om_rame: Haiyaa...begaya gak 'mudeng'. Padahal sejagad taulah cemana better-na English di om. Gak lucuu...!!
@ToPu: I see friend. 'Arising out of our minds'... Wise opinion..! If we can manage our mind well, we can handle the problems of our life. Even we can say... "Welcome the problems." I like 'You', cause 'You' make me stronger. he he he...!!
Stress has been attacked by many people in this world. There are many problems and constraints faced by humans in this life. They did not find the best solution to solve the problem. Thanks for your info.
BalasHapusI can not imagine what if the stress was suddenly attacked. I have never experienced it and hopefully it never happens to me,,
BalasHapuswith a smile can solve all of it ... maybe
everybody has problems, the solution of the problem is inside that is how we feel and understand the sincere,affection and love
BalasHapuskasian nih kamus, boLak-baLik terus sampe Lecek. yaaaahh...yah, sobek kan tuh.
BalasHapusbiar seru dan rame (enggak pake om), komennya nti aja ach via review biar seru ada perLawanan untuk mempertahankan predikat sebagai murid yang super ngeyeL.
pamit mau ngeLakban kamus duLu buw (sambiL monyong).
Untuk mengurangi kemungkinan stres selain memperbanyak bersyukur sebaiknya kita latihan mengelola pencetus stres itu sendiri. Seperti yg saya baca pada artikel Pak Adjat Sudajat "Mengelola Sres" alihkan perhatian sejenak dari permasalahan pencetus stres jalan2 lihat2 blog dan perbanyak baca koment si Om Rame dan Bu Sri ini pasti dibuat mesem2 sendiri ( kadang sampe tergelak ha..ha...ha maaf ).
BalasHapusBanyak lho yang justru karena didera banyak permasalahan justru makin kreatif, inovatif dan makin sukses. Saya termasuk yang yakin bahwa kesulitan diciptakan Yang Maha Kuasa untuk melatih daya fikir kita. Setuju Om ?
mohon maaf kunjungan baLiknya agak terLambat nih, koneksi inet disiniii... Lagi padat merayap.
ada sertifikasi untuk ibuw (sambiL monyong), semoga dapat menangkis dari serangan jurus 8 penjuru mata angin. wkwkwkwk....
@ibu_guru_LiLis, jawabannya si_om meLuncur ke TKP.
maaf baru dataaang..smoga sangat terlambat..gara2 bola..biar ngga stress..ya nonton bola aja lah..apa nonton video??
BalasHapussilaturahmi aja lah..
BalasHapuspunya jagoan koq mencLa-mencLe kaya janjinya poLitisi aja, hehehehe...
BalasHapusmaaf yah daLam review stress ada beberapa kata candaan, maafkanLah (harus).
(kLik ON, Lampunya jadi warna hijau).
interupsi, saudari ibu_guru:
kasih transiLe dong buw (sambiL monyong), ribet nih bacanya.
terima kasih.
(kLik OFF, Lampunya jadi warna merah).
hi mrs. sri rahayu, good morning. i'm vising in your bLog again. thanks for your info.
BalasHapusto save working (baca: seLamat beraktifitas), Liver-Liver on the road (baca: hati-hati di jaLan). wkwkwkwkwkwk......
stress? dalam fisika kita kenal juga dengan gaya persatuan luas = F/A kalo di umpamakan dalam kehidupan sehari hari orang yang banyak bergaya tetapi luasnya kecil (luas pergaulan, luas pandangan, luas bacabukunya, luas cakrawala ilmunya) maka semakin besar stressnya dan jika gaya diperkecil dan luas diperbesar apa yang terjadi semakin kecil pula srtressnya oleh karena itu obat stres adalah mentgurangi banyak gaya tetapi menambah luas pergaulan, luas ilmu, luas baca buku, insya alloh stress akan mengecil walaupun tidak bisa nol sama sekali sebab masih ada tantangan berikutnya ...
BalasHapusokok Lah kaLo beg beg begono.
BalasHapusbingung nih nuLis komennya, mau jawab komen yang kemarin juga bingung. kamus akyu secara udah pada Lecek geto Loh. hehehehe....
seLamat istirahat aja.