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26 Maret 2009

The Challenge of a large Class

Nowadays we always face a large class in a school. There are more than forty students in a class. It can be happened because of the school facility is low. Teaching English in a large class is not easy. Sometimes we get some problems because of this situation. But how hard the problem, it is our challenge to do our duty.

There are so many challenges in teaching English in a large class. Some of them are:

• It's difficult to keep good discipline going in a large class.
• We have to provide for more children of different ages and different abilities, wanting to learn different things at different speeds and in different ways.
• We can't easily give each child the individual attention they need.
• We may not have enough books or teaching and learning aids

If we couldn’t handle the challenge wisely, of course it will become problem in learning process. Sometimes we can handle the problem by our self. But sometimes we need somebody else solving it. But we have to use all of our knowledge to give the best resolving. There is possibility of there are more than one real correct answer, so we have to face the most precise answer among so much the answer. Efficiency to solve problem can be learned. That’s why we have to train our student as early as possible. In this case, working in group (discussion method) is one of the solving problems for large class. Beside as it gives the opportunity to increase their skill to solve the problem, it’s also making them be democracy in their life.

Beside as the challenge above, actually we also get some advantages of a large class. They are:

• They can share many different ideas and interesting life experiences. This stimulates the children and enlivens those parts of your lesson where children can discuss and learn from each other.
• During project work, children can learn to share responsibility and help each other. This also brings variety and speeds up the work.

How large your class, don’t complain about it first. Just keep trying to find the best way to handle such as situation.

1 komentar:

  1. The best thing that we must do is give all we have to other...

    Maaf buguru...mohon dikoreksi..english saya..heheh...


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